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WGBH Radio WGBH Radio

Copland, Menotti: Piano Concertos / Wild, Copland, Mester

Release Date: 07/10/2015
Label: Vanguard Catalog #: 4029 Spars Code: AAD
Composer:  Aaron Copland ,  Gian Carlo Menotti Performer:  Earl Wild Conductor:  Aaron Copland ,  Jorge Mester Orchestra/Ensemble:  Symphony of the Air Number of Discs: 1
Recorded in: Stereo Length: 0 Hours 49 Mins.

...[The Menotti Piano Concerto] recalls very strongly Ravel's G-major concerto... The slow movement is nine minutes of gorgeous, melancholy song... Earl Wild...turns in a marvelous performance of both concerti. The Menotti fizzes and sings with a light touch, and Jorge Mester matches Wild with an accompaniment that sparkles.

-- Steve Schwartz,
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